Sassify: Guy Cry Club Takeover

“The fact that I am exposed to queer art on the daily means that people are feeling comfortable enough to share their perspectives and expressions regardless of prejudice. But it also serves to remind me that there’s a whole swathe of folks who have not reached that point. A domino effect of relatability is slowly smashing down the bedroom doors of queers who needed to see that illustration, photograph, film, dance, collage, sculpture etc etc… Queer art, it’s creation and having access to it is a personal act of protest just like our everyday is a fight to just be.” - Ben Driver 

Ben was very kindly invited to do a takeover on Sassify Zine’s Instagram to talk about being queer, Guy Cry Club and lockdown. It really was such a honour to be part of an amazing line-up of queer folks who are doing beautiful, powerful and important work. And the takeovers keep on coming! Check out what i had to say above and read my full interview with Sassify Zine here. Thanks so much to Jason for letting me be a part of this.


Founder of Guy Cry Club. A space exploring masculinity, mental health and sexuality through art.

Life in Lockdown: Kieran Page


Alexander Ward: Photography Mentorship