Wrong Kind of Fat: Some Bear Over the Pain-Bow by Lee Campbell

As a gay man, I am fascinated by queer spaces/subcultures of conviviality which engage in processes of inclusion and exclusion. Certain subsets of gay subculture promote themselves as generating inclusive spaces whilst containing aspects that discriminate. I’ve been told I am too slim to be a bear and too fat to be a cub. My frustration with labelling has led me to resist such discrimination, and love my body regardless of labels. This film is a celebration of loving your body in its label-less liminality.  This film forms of part of my practice that explores queer identity and sexuality,labelling and masculinity within gay subcultures through painting, installation, film and mediums whose discourse is of a performative nature. I explore how meaning is constructed through politics of space, and how the (queer identity) politics of artist are articulated through visual and verbal languages.



Founder of Guy Cry Club. A space exploring masculinity, mental health and sexuality through art.


The Chat Bench by Miles Purnell


Forget Being Manly As F*ck Be Manly As Love Instead by George Howard