Suffolk Pride: Collage Art Workshop

On Wednesday 11th May I’ll be leading a FREE collage art workshop as part of a series of events Suffolk Pride are facilitating before their main Pride event in June. No experience is needed and materials will be supplied so whether creating art is completely new to you or you are a collage making genius everyone is welcome! Art can provide an incredible opportunity to connect with yourself and others. For the queer community especially that is an act of self care and I’m very grateful to have been asked to create space for our local community.

The workshop is taking place at CHip (Community Hub Ipswich), 6pm-9pm and is free. If you haven’t already checked it out CHip is a fab new space in the town supporting local artists and the wider community, constantly evolving to meet the needs of the people around the venue.

If you are coming along to the workshop please do sign up as places are limited. You can do so using the button below, which will take you to a Google Form.


Founder of Guy Cry Club. A space exploring masculinity, mental health and sexuality through art.

Down the Pub with MANUP?


ROI on Mental Health: Retrospective