Telephone by Kirsten Valentine

“I wanted to make something emotionally resonant, two people who share the kind of intimacy where nakedness is not vulnerability, one caught up in his own thoughts, the other waiting, an anticipatory moment. The background blank, the space unknown, a vague outline of a phone, a retro style cord, a tension focused on the telephone and an unheard conversation.”

Telephone by Kirsten Valentine

Kirsten Valentine is a figurative artist whose focus lay upon the male body. Much of her work takes aim at so-called “manliness”; depictions of proud, potbellied, middle-aged men in their underpants. However for this piece the narrative she has created is tender, suspending us in a moment where the outcome is only defined by our individual perceptions.

“When I exhibited this painting one young man was struck by it. He told me that his older brother was gay and that they were raised in a deeply religious household. He adored his brother and the painting made him think of what the experience of coming out must have been like, how terrifying that your family might reject you, and how important the support of friends and lovers would be.”


Founder of Guy Cry Club. A space exploring masculinity, mental health and sexuality through art.

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